I took a break from blogging, as I see it the break was over a year but now I am making an effort to bring my farm to the Internet. According to the farm Bureau over 98% of Americans live off the farm meaning cities and since I am one person in the 2% of Americans living on a working farm, I feel it is my responsibility to let you know how I live and Where I come from. I read a lot of books, everyone in my family are avid readers but lately I have been reading about city women coming into the county and marring ranchers. These women have become famous for their unique way of telling the world about their wonderful husbands and their new found appreciation for farming. Living in a farming community and going to an Agricultural college, the lust and appreciation for farming and our farm men wasn't lost on me. What is a challenge is explaining the lifestyle, the only way of life I have ever known, and how it compares to a life in the city. I am not as eloquent as those women previously mentioned, I have never wore or physically touched a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes so bear with me. Maybe this blog wont just teach you about Where I Come From but will also a window into where YOU Come from!