Due to the recent rise in media coverage on Beef production in America I feel it is important to make a few statements.
1. Beef production in America is comprised of many small farms producing cattle, the average herd size in America is 40 head per herd. Yes, there are some larger “factory farms” to use the common term but most cattle are raised on the farm and then sent to feedlots.
2. Feedlots, are locations were cattle spend the last 4- 6 months being fed to prepare them for entry into the food system. These feedlots are highly regulated with environmental engineers, nutritionist and daily monitoring by staff for their health concerns.
3. Antibiotics, are used in accordance to FDA regulations. No cattle with any antibiotic residue are allowed to enter the food chain.
I am not trying to convert the vegetarian, that is your own choice and I am glad to get the opportunity to choose the food I want to eat. With the current assault on agriculture, I feel it is important for everyone to understand the great lengths cattle producers go to produce a high quality nutritious product. At this time I have no one following my blog and I have not been posting on a regular basis but If you are interested in learning the truth about beef production let me know and I will being posting on a more regular basis.